Easy Ways to Drive Pick and Pack Efficiency at Your Warehouse

Warehouse Management / WMS Pick and Pack, Case Picking and Cross-Dock Picking

by Camille Chin  |  September 18, 2019

If it seems like retail success in 2019 is being defined by how fast shoppers can attain what they want that’s because, well, it largely is. Nowadays, the ability to pick, pack and ship fast (and faster, and the fastest) is more important than ever. Consider, Amazon, for example. Already a global leader in online sales with nearly US$233 billion in revenue in 2018, the e-commerce giant announced the opening of two new “state-of-the-art” fulfillment centers in July 2019. Of course, they won’t be any old fulfillment sites. Both Ohio-based facilities will be led by robots. Automation will further facilitate Amazon’s commitment to Prime shipping.

Jesta isn’t in the business of building robots, but our Warehouse Management System (WMS) is as intelligent, powerful and, dare we say, cool. Here are a few of the solution’s newest powers that are all but guaranteed to boost productivity and make it easy for your DC employees to achieve more in less time.

Pick & Pack 

Fulfilling online orders is no easy feat particularly when stores get thousands every minute. Optimize your pickers time, expedite your deliveries and reduce paper in your warehouse with Jesta’s mobile Pick & Pack feature.

With Pick & Pack, employees can generate multiple packing labels in advance that pickers can then take and, using a digital pick list, match with a system of totes, each representing a store or order. Once all of the waves have been picked, the packing labels can be attached to each of the totes (bins or boxes) rather than having to transfer them to another area of the warehouse for packing. The system will initiate shipment for you.

Case Picking 

No one should have to move a fridge from one area of a warehouse to another to slap a packing label on it. Even with a forklift, relocating appliances can be awkward. Jesta’s Case Picking was made with big box items in mind. The new WMS feature eliminates back-breaking tasks and streamlines workflows so goods move out of DCs quickly.

The Case Picking feature within Jesta’s WMS pre-generates packing labels with a carton number on it. The mobile app and digital pick list tells pickers where the hefty item is, pickers determine the shipper, and voilà — picking, packing and shipping done in one easy trip.

Cross-Dock Picking 

There’s no good reason to Put Away new, incoming inventory that has already been allocated to a store or, better yet, sold to a customer. Jesta’s mobile Cross-Dock Picking tool allows you to bypass routine procedures so that you can receive and ship stock in one fell swoop.

The big benefits? Cross-Dock Picking reduces the time inventory spends in your warehouse and cuts handling times by two-thirds so stores and customers get their goods that much faster. An added plus is that your manpower is spared from Putting Away and then Picking and then Processing Orders and Shipments. Storage space is spared too for an overall win-win in your warehouse.

Raw Material Management 

Items like tables don’t always fit in one box. Jesta’s WMS manages and provides visibility of raw materials like tabletops (one box) and its corresponding legs (another box). A custom golf club (with a specific shaft and specific head) is another example of an item that may have parts stored in your warehouse. After you’ve pulled the parts and they’ve been assembled, users create a receipt to identify that a finished good exists. WMS’s raw material inventory is dynamically updated accordingly and you are ready to ship!

For more information on all of Jesta’s Supply Chain solutions, including the Warehouse Management System, go to our Supply Chain Management ERP Suite.


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